5 Tips to Answer “So Tell me Something About Yourself”


What seems like a simple question can really make you sweat, especially in an interview. What exactly should you share? Not just to build rapport but to show that you are the perfect fit for the job. This question is not an invitation to recite your entire life story or go through your resume. Instead, it’s probably your best chance to pitch the hiring manager on why you’re the right one for the job.

Do Some Homework:

Do some homework on the values of the company. It might be good to show them you work to improve your cultural fit within the company. Before you go for any interview, be ready with examples from your career that you can explain with a lot of confidence.

Summarize Yourself:

The interviewer doesn’t care about your history but he wants to know more about you as a person. However, it’s hard to talk about yourself in a manner that doesn’t make you sound like a braggart but doesn’t diminish your professional capabilities either. Sometimes people end up talking incoherently for a long time. This might bore the interviewer and he would be less likely to show further interest in you.

Show Confidence:

The interviewer wants to see the confidence, enthusiasm and passion with which you answer. The biggest mistake you could make is pausing, stalling or fumbling at the onset of your answer, thus demonstrating a lack of self-awareness and self-esteem.

My Life, My Rules:

The principle by which you live your life plays a very positive role in answering the question. It demonstrates your ability to maintain a discipline in your personal life, which can be reflected in professional life also. Keep development as the one of your main goals. Companies tend to hire athletes rather than shortstops.

End up with Your Passions:

People don’t care what you do – people care who you are. What you’re passionate about makes who you are. The passion you live for describes your enthusiasm, your inclination towards positivity. The work is at its place but what you do when no one is noticing makes you the real you. The inclusion of hobby and passion shows the real you hidden within.

Keep in mind that the answer you give will mostly be like a testimonial. This response will also indicate self-awareness and openness to feedback. The secret is thinking how you follow up each answer with relevant, interesting and concise explanations that make the already bored interviewer look up from his stale coffee and think, “Wow! That’s the best answer I’ve heard all day!”

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