The goal of this project was to develop a Android application which provides online prescription to everyone at door step. Using Scrum, an agile software development approach, the team gathered requirements, designed, and implemented a smartphone application utilizing the Android and Google Health platforms. This application will help the users to identify certain injury by answering certain Questions asked by the system. Based on the diagnose received the user will be getting some suggestion of medicines that are available at the local chemist without prescription with an advice to visit the doctor. The system once ready should be able to train itself with the feedback given to it. This application is more effective, quick in providing medical help especially to people in villages where very few doctor are present .This application is an example of continued advancement of mobile technologies in healthcare, which drives the shift from a reactionary to preventative treatment paradigm.
E-Health Advisor for brain injury will be the way to improve one’s health and will give the disease treatment at door step. E-Health Advisor will bring e-Treatment to everyone and the best health services will be provided.
The main objective of this project is to implement a mobile and computer based Healthcare Information application for brain injury. This application will help the users to identify certain injury by answering certain Questions asked by the system. Based on the diagnose received the user will be getting some suggestion of medicines that are available at the local chemist without prescription with an advice to visit the doctor. The system once ready should be able to train itself with the feedback given to it.
This project basically divided in three parts. The first section of the project provide detail about brain injury like types, causes, symptoms, treatment etc. Second section for non-members. They can give suggestion about various brain injury and also reviews about the application. Third section for patients in this he will enter his brain injury after he will receive some suggestion without any doctor and also what will be medicine for the particular brain injury.
This project basically divided in three parts. The first section of the project provide detail about brain injury like types, causes, symptoms, treatment etc. Second section for non-members. They can give suggestion about various brain injury and also reviews about the application. Third section for patients in this he will enter his brain injury after he will receive some suggestion without any doctor and also what will be medicine for the particular brain injury.
The Rational Unified Process brings together elements from all of the generic process models, supports iteration and illustrates good practice in specification and design. The RUP is normally described from three perspectives:
The different phases in RUP are Inception
The goal of the inception phase is to establish a business case for the system. Identifying all external entities that will interact with the system and defining these interaction. This information is used to assess the contribution of system to business.
E-R Diagram for user:-
E-R diagram for Non-members:-
Our Plan
Existing System:
With the health advisor , patients can control their brain injury , using the brain injury project, the brain injury Healthcare app provide the treatment, the available healthcare providers and their cost and the risk also. If all patients become knowledgeable about theirHealth problems, eventually It will affect positively the healthcare system as a whole.
We can implement web camera interaction and guideline for users and people who doesn’t have knowledge about android application
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